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Imploding Modern Musical Genre

 EVER WONDER why music is organized into genres?  Who decides what’s what, and what isn’t?  Who cares?
 EVER WONDER what benefits this system has for the Music Industry? Musicians? The Musical Art? What are its costs?
 EVER WONDER? Now that we’re all comfortably postmodern let’s take a step back from this mutant from modernity.

This is Genre Implosion, a radio show on CFMU 93.3 FM in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and,
 online home to it and to Chris Dawes’ ongoing Music-Critical Project into the phenomenon we know as Musical Genre.

GI: Project

genre2Where does musical genre come from?
How do Postmodern ideas, society and the electronic media inform what we call musical genre?

genre5Genre Implosion is a  research project of Chris Dawes for the
M.A. (Music Criticism) program of McMaster University’s School of the Arts.

GI: Radio Show

GENRE IMPLOSION aired Wednesdays at 9:30am EST on CFMU 93.3 FM in Hamilton, and on the Internet in streaming audio at from November 2005 to April 2006. It sought to implode Musical Genre by bringing together sounds, styles and eras based not on how they are conventionally categorised, but on what composers try to say and do, and more importantly, on what we actually hear.


Studying Genre

Whether or not you recognise this frog, you might find interesting the work I did on its role in a famous 1955 Warner Bros. cartoon, One Froggy Evening (dubbed by Stephen Spielberg “The Citizen Kane of Animated Film”), which retrieved the era of vaudeville and the ‘genre’ of Tin Pan Alley for mid-century viewers.

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